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Dj yoda

Yoda alias Vito Lafera(born October 23, 1989), is an Italian DJ and Party Promoter. 

Starting from clubs on the Romagna Riviera, he lands at the biggest events of the Italian Psytrance scene.

His sets, influenced by the German current, vary from offbeat to progressive trance. This brings his selections around Europe (England, Spain, Portugal and Switzerland).

He took a break when his son was born.

After that, he came back stronger, completely renewing his DJ set and approaching Israeli Progressive Psy and Fullon currents.

In 2022, he joined Betamusic.
Yoda, Vito Lafera (23 Ottobre 1989) è un Dj e Party Promoter italiano.
Partendo da locali della riviera romagnola, approda ai piu grandi eventi della scena Psytrance italiana
I suoi set, influenzati dalla corrente tedesca, variano dall'offbeat alla progressive trance, portando le sue selection in giro per l'europa (Inghilterra, Spagna, Portogallo e Svizzera).
Spinto dalla nascita del figlio, si concede una pausa.
Dopo questo "stop" decide di tornare, rinnovando del tutto il dj set e  seguendo correnti israeliane Progressive Psy e Fullon.

Nel 2022 entra a far parte di Betamusic.



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